
Call the Experts: 805-383-2400

MARKET SHARES that gasoline suppliers have of a state, region, or the nation, are hard to come by if strict methodology and high accuracy are required, our clients tell us. Quickie guesstimates and messy extrapolations, using blurred data inputs, come and go over the years; but they can lead to fatally flawed conclusions, Lundberg users testify.

Lundberg Survey is the sole source of state-by-state, month-by-month, gasoline volumes and market shares based upon taxable sales. Good market share data, the result of heavy in-house research by specialized analysts, are a must for strategic planning, M&A prep, financing, and ongoing analysis of competition.

PROOF IN THE PUDDING: The impact on share - from price positions, buyouts and sellouts, branding and re-branding – is there in Lundberg Share of Market Reports.

Lundberg reporting of share data requires day in, day out research all year long. To produce an annual national report, for example, we labor daily on statistics of each of the 50 states plus District of Columbia, a gigantic aggregate work product.

MEANWHILE ON THE STREET: Separately, Lundberg also creates RETAIL BRAND market share reports for key markets. This work product requires LUNDBERG STATION CENSUS, meaning Lundberg personnel physically locate and visit each station to tally each gallon, brand, and many other vital retail site characteristics – within the borders of a retail market. One of the golden nuggets we harvest is retail volumes, gasoline and diesel. The same unique Lundberg abilities are used when a client needs a throughput projection, whether for a ground-up, rebrand, remodel, or diesel addition.

Lundberg Survey is the reliable source for gasoline market share data, 1969-2016 and into the future.

Tel:(805)383-2400  Fax:(805)383-2424